
November 30, 2017

Unpack – a relatively benign word and commonplace action; yet one of my biggest pet peeves if stated figuratively. I imagine some secret council among pastors and motivational speakers to determine a relevant and trendy transition. The counsel of my imagination decided ‘unpack’ was the most streamlined and effective way to transition from scripture to sermon, thesis to lecture, concept to action.

“I am going to unpack this”

“Now let’s unpack this together”

“Over the next few months we will unpack the meaning of the text”

This irks me. Is the Bible overstuffed luggage we’re trying to sneak past the TSA? Is this revolutionary idea a purse with difficult contents to sort through? Is the text a box with a fragile sticker that has been dropped too many times? Why is this the word that won the Public Speaking Oscar?

My irritation seems misplaced and a bit absurd until I think about the reality of unpacking in my own life. I quickly realize my own negligence in the luggage department may be the truer culprit. It took me over three months to scrape out the remnants of recent international travel from my suitcase. If I do not unpack right away, there is a sureness it will not happen for weeks. A bag from a weekend trip I took two weeks ago is stills staring me down. I avoid this activity without real cause or explanation. So when ‘unpack’ is used in a context that is intended to motivate or inspire, I am ready to quit before we have even begun.

More about A Musing Ari