


Unpack – a relatively benign word and commonplace action; yet one of my biggest pet peeves if stated figuratively. I imagine some secret council among pastors and motivational speakers to determine a relevant and trendy transition. The counsel of my imagination decided ‘unpack’ was the most streamlined and effective way to transition from scripture to sermon, thesis to lecture, concept to action. “I am going to unpack this” “Now let’s unpack this together” “Over the next few months we will...


Three consecutive letters can mean any matter of things. CSI, FYI, LOL… we simplify for efficiency. Categorizing and sorting to express an organization or idea with minimal effort. The truth of a situation can be expressed with simplicity, but meaning often requires further articulation. I spent a month and half serving with and learning from two inspiring missionaries in Estonia this past summer. They are raising their family amidst a cold culture with an extremely difficult language. Determined to work...


“You’re really thoughtful… I mean that in a good way” – one of those confusing compliments I have received from a friend. I didn’t think thoughtfulness could be a bad thing, but the truth is my thoughtfulness has not always brought good into my life. My days are spent thinking deeply about everything from my purpose in life to why the Rice Krispies® guys outfits are so eclectic. Sometimes it gets exhausting, but my brain has made it clear that...